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Hospitality – NC
Minimum Program Requirements
Must be in a permanent location on existing land


Hospitality-NC-v4 MPR1: Must be in a permanent location on existing land Required

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LEEDuser expert

Tristan Roberts


Vermont House of Representatives


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All LEED projects must be constructed and operated on a permanent location on existing land. No project that is designed to move at any point in its lifetime may pursue LEED certification. This requirement applies to all land within the LEED project.

Additional guidance

Permanent location
  • Movable buildings are not eligible for LEED. This includes boats and mobile homes.
  • Prefabricated or modular structures and building elements may be certified once permanently installed as part of the LEED project.
Existing land
  • Buildings located on previously constructed docks, piers, jetties, infill, and other manufactured structures in or above water are permissible, provided that the artificial land was not constructed by the owner of the LEED project for the express purpose of constructing the LEED project.
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What does it cost?

Cost estimates for this credit

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Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.

This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.

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7/2/2018Updated: 1/19/2022
Rating System Correction
Description of change:
Under Existing Land, revise the sentence to read as follows:

"Buildings located on previously constructed docks, piers, jetties, infill, and other manufactured structures in or above water are permissible, provided that the artificial land was not constructed by the owner of the LEED project for the express purpose of constructing the LEED project."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
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LEEDuser expert

Tristan Roberts


Vermont House of Representatives

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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.


All LEED projects must be constructed and operated on a permanent location on existing land. No project that is designed to move at any point in its lifetime may pursue LEED certification. This requirement applies to all land within the LEED project.

Additional guidance

Permanent location
  • Movable buildings are not eligible for LEED. This includes boats and mobile homes.
  • Prefabricated or modular structures and building elements may be certified once permanently installed as part of the LEED project.
Existing land
  • Buildings located on previously constructed docks, piers, jetties, infill, and other manufactured structures in or above water are permissible, provided that the artificial land was not constructed by the owner of the LEED project for the express purpose of constructing the LEED project.

LEEDuser expert

Tristan Roberts


Vermont House of Representatives

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