Have in place storage locations for recyclable materials, including mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals. Safely store and dispose of batteries and all lamps (indoor and outdoor, hard-wired and portable fixtures).
Track and measure all ongoing waste and durable goods waste.
Measure the total weight of waste (in lbs., kg, or tons) that is generated, and the total weight that is diverted from landfills and incineration facilities for one full year or from a waste analysis. Exclude any facility renovations waste.
Input generated and diverted waste totals into the Arc platform, and calculate a Waste Performance Score for the project.
LEED points for this prerequisite are awarded for Waste Performance Scores above 40, according to Table 1.
Table 1. LEED Points for Waste Performance
Waste Performance Score
LEED Points
Waste Performance Score
The waste performance score rates the resource consumption and resource use efficiency of the building (waste generated and diverted) against the consumption and efficiency of comparable high-performing buildings.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s total weight of waste generated and the total weight of waste diverted from landfills and incineration facilities.
Waste Performance Score calculation
To calculate waste performance score, the following data is required:
- Total waste generated (lbs., kg, or tons)
- Total waste diverted (lbs., kg, or tons)
- Weighted occupancy
The waste generated is converted into an average daily waste generated per occupant, using Equation 1.
Equation 1. Average daily waste generated = (waste generated / # days associated with waste total) / occupancy
The waste diverted is converted into a daily waste undiverted per occupant, using Equation 2.
Equation 2. Daily waste undiverted per occupant = (waste diverted / # days associated with waste total) / occupancy
The daily undiverted waste is calculated using Equation 3.
Equation 3. Daily undiverted waste per occupant = daily waste generated per occupant– daily waste diverted per occupant
The project’s calculated average daily waste generated per occupant AND average daily waste undiverted per occupant are input into the waste scoring function to calculate the waste performance score.
The waste scoring function was developed using waste information reported by LEED buildings certified under LEED O+M v2009. The data set includes buildings that pursued MR credit 6.
Solid waste management – waste stream audit.