"Bike Path Width
European projects located in historic urban centers may be exempted from bike path width requirements on routes where the requirements cannot be met due to space constraints. Additionally, the bicycle network definition is expanded to include additional criteria on these routes."
Europe ACP added to Requirements section:
"Europe ACP: Bike Path Width
If the requirements on the width of bike paths cannot be met due to the historic ur-ban context of the project site, compensating measures to reduce street speeds and/or to enhance biking security on routes connecting to a qualifying bike network are acceptable:
• A security lane for biking (marked dedicated bike lane, which can be shared by cars in narrow sections of the street when no bikes are present) or a physically dedicated bike lane less than 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide.
• Intersections spaced no more than 400 feet (122 meters) apart
• Travel lane widths no greater than 10 feet (3 meters) and parallel parking lane widths no greater than 8 feet (2.4 meters)
Routes that meet the alternative requirements outlined above must be clearly iden-tified by type within the required documentation."