In Equation 2, add the word 'cost' to the second factor in the equation, as shown below:
Equivalent cost of base building renewable energy = ($ value of renewable energy used in base building x % of base building energy cost delivered to project)
Corrections for Further Explanation > Renewable Energy Systems and Third Parties:
At the top of the section, add the following header: "Renewable Fuels Purchased Off-Site:"
Replace the first sentence that begins with "Some renewable energy systems..." with the following: "Some renewable energy power generation systems that use fuels produced off site (e.g., landfill gas) can still be eligible to receive points under this credit if these fuels are harvested and produced within the same utility service area."
Delete the third bullet point which begins with "If the fuel provider does not also provide RECs..." from the bulleted list.
After the bulleted list, add the following header: "On-Site Third Party Systems:" and replace the paragraph that begins with "In some cases..." with the following text: "In some cases, on-site renewable energy may be available from equipment, such as a PV array or wind turbine owned by a third party. Project teams wishing to receive credit for such an arrangement must submit documentation, including the agreement between the project owner and the power producer. The contract must last for at least 10 years, and the project owner must retain all environmental benefits from the renewable energy."
Delete the sentence that begins "For example, if a PV array owner sells electricity..."
Delete Figure 1. Renewable energy scenarios and requirements
Corrections for Further Explanation > Renewable Energy Certificates and Carbon Offsets:
In the third paragraph, update the sentence "A project can still claim this credit by purchasing enough RECs or offsets to make up for the RECs that were sold" to read as follows: "An on-site renewable generation project can still claim this credit by purchasing enough RECs or offsets to make up for the RECs that were sold"
Make the following edits to the Required documentation table:
- Delete 4th column titled "If selling RECs"
- Rename second column header to: On-site third party system ownership
- Update the title of the 7th row of the table to read: "If selling RECs for on-site system, Contract and Green-e certification for REC or carbon offset purchase"
- Delete final row of the table titled "Green-e Certification"