If you are using off-site area to meet the credit requirements, and have a contract in place to provide labor to maintain/restore the site, some labor activities must be performed during the performance period.
Facility alterations or additions projects must meet specific LEED criteria to qualify for credit under MRc9. To reduce confusion during the LEED review process, include a narrative in the credit form that clearly describes the scope of the alterations/addition. The narrative should demonstrate that the work meets the minimum requirements and should substantiate the list of diverted materials claimed in the credit form.
Buildings that have already been certified under any version of the LEED for Existing Buildings rating system are eligible for this credit. Teams must demonstrate consistent implementation of strategies and tracking of performance data over the recertification performance period. See the USGBC’s Recertification Guidance released November 2012 for details about documentation requirements for this path. See the Bird's Eye View for additional information.
The level of certification your project achieved previously doesn’t matter under SSc1. All four points are awarded for any level of certification, from Certified to Platinum.
Energy Star labels are not permanent, and Energy Star criteria get stricter over time. If your piece of equipment no longer has an Energy Star label, but you can prove that it did when you bought it, you can still count it.
It is no longer required to track existing reused equipment. Refer to the following LEED Addendum posted on 4/16/10. “Only new appliances and equipment purchased as part of the scope of work for the project need to be included in the credit for EA Credit 1.4. Equipment and appliances must meet the Energy Star criteria current at the time of purchase. Any items that are purchased after the item's category has become ENERGY STAR eligible must meet the Energy Star rating.
You can get a bonus by claiming the original power consumption of the piece of equipment that is being upgraded to more efficient Energy Star equipment.