When using the LEED Online credit forms, you need to complete the WEp1: Water Use Reduction—20% Reduction credit form first. Doing so automatically generates your baseline-case usage in WEc2. (See WEp1 for details on determining occupancy, usage, and
Calculating irrigation water use is not required for this credit; however, understanding how indoor water use compares to outdoor water use can help you gauge where to focus your reduction efforts for the greatest benefit. Some water-saving strategies address both indoor and outdoor water needs holistically. For example, if you treat your wastewater onsite, you can use the treated water to irrigate your landscape as well as to flush toilets.
Review all proposed activities before implementation to ensure an effective and coordinated effort, particularly if several vendors are engaged simultaneously in various components of the plan.
Have a designated staff person review all vendor practices and products annually or prior to contract renewal. Identify opportunities for improve programs covered under SSc3 and expand the environmental best practices employed at your facility.
You may need to set up a temporary irrigation system for a vegetation establishment period of up to one year (going beyond one year would conflict with the intent of this credit, and WEc1: Water Efficient Landscaping). The system should be designed for easy removal.
Work with the management team to ensure that continued protection protocols are put in place for the buffered areas, to help preserve them and the natural areas beyond.
The site plan with a clearly defined boundary for minimized site disturbance should include the installation of fencing or other barriers to the non-disturbance area.
Depending on the landscape choice of your green roof, you might find it difficult to meet this credit without an intensive roof. Some sedum selections could be considered monoculture and not able to support biodiversity. Discuss this with your landscape architect or green roof designer. Also, see the LEEDuser strategy on green roofs for more details.