Specify signage for water fixtures or strategies that may require special instructions for use, or educate users on water savings. This may include signage for explaining proper operation of dual-flush toilets, waterless urinals, indicating non-potable water if supplied at faucets, and distinguishing pipes carrying reused water for operations and maintenance personnel.
Untreated rainwater, graywater, and blackwater can corrode plumbing systems, or lead to biological growth. Teams should plan for water treatment, filtration, or using corrosion-resistant materials. The use of seawater for toilet flushing, which is less common, can cause similar problems.
Consider occupants when debating whether to use graywater or waterless and/or dual-flush fixtures. Cultural perceptions of these types of applications may need to be evaluated to gauge whether they will be successful in your building. It is also a good idea to have education outreach in order for building occupants to know how to use the new fixtures and to understand the importance of water reduction strategies.
Establish preliminary goals for water-use reduction. Consider setting water-reduction goals higher than the 40% reduction required by this credit, and aim for a reduction greater than 45% or higher for exemplary performance under IDc1. You are likely to need rainwater or graywater