Develop and implement a policy requiring an economic assessment of a conversion to high-performance plumbing fixtures and fittings as part of any future indoor plumbing renovation.
Identify walls and ceilings that can be restored. The building owner and architect should evaluate the implications of renovation and restoration against those of demolition and new construction.
Provide manufacturer cut sheets for at least 20% of the total number of lamps purchased during the performance period, for the LEED submittal. Make sure that the cut sheets clearly indicate the specific lamp description or code and the rated picogram/lumen-hour, or the rated mercury content, mean lumen output, and rated life.
Work with building tenants to obtain actual lamp data for each of their spaces. The project team may exempt up to 10% of the building floor area if the tenants that use that space are not willing or able to share information about currently installed lamps.
If any mercury-free lamps are identified in the purchasing plan, provide manufacturer product information that the lamp is as energy-efficient as its mercury-containing counterpart.