
We are a UK-based consultancy, working on LEED for a mall, and we have a bit of trouble interpreting some of the terminologies & requirements of ASHRAE Tables 5.5 for Building Envelope. Three main questions here:

1) Slab-on-grade floor: Does this mean only the building perimeter that is connected to the earth at grade level? Is this what requires insulating (with either vertical or horizontal insulation) or do we need to insulate the full floor at grade level?

2) Linked to above, the Mall has 2 floors of unconditioned underground parking (which are only ventilated). Do we need to insulate the floor above the upper parking level? If yes, which criteria do we need to meet, those of the "slab-on-grade floor", or "floor"? Should this be considered "semiheated"?

3) The atrium skylight in the mall has an area larger than 5% of the total roof area, however Ashrae only mentions the limiting U-values for up to a 5% skylight. What do we do in this case? Do we still use the upper level limits, or is there another section in Ashrae that deals with exceptions?

These questions may sound basic for US architects/engineers... but the regulations are different in Europe!

Many thanks,