USGBC’s LEED Zero program provides a path for buildings to distinguish themselves with a net-zero impact for carbon, energy, water, and/or waste. To pursue any of the LEED Zero certifications, a building must already be certified under LEED for Building Design and Construction (BD+C), LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (O+M), or be registered for LEED O+M. So, although it’s a stand-alone program, LEED Zero actually acts more like a complement or extra credential to your building’s standard LEED certification. For buildings with a BD+C certification, LEED Zero presents an alternative to LEED O+M for demonstrating a continued commitment to sustainability in operations.
Here are a few of the basics to keep in mind.
It appears both LEED Zero
Greg Kight
National Director of Sustainable DesignJacobs
34 thumbs up
November 11, 2023 - 4:41 pm
It appears both LEED Zero Carbon and LEED Zero Energy certifications can both be achieved via Carbon Offsets + RECs. Same with the ILFI Zero Carbon and ILFI Zero Energy certifications with ILFI adding additional performance criteria.
Hello, do you know in detail
Adrienn Gelesz
LEED APABUD Engineering Ltd.
48 thumbs up
March 29, 2023 - 4:25 pm
Hello, do you know in detail how LEED Zero works if you have just a registration for O+M? In some materials I read that the minimum program requirement is to have O+M certification. Can this be done parallel? Or does O+M need to be submitted first?
My issue with this LEED Zero
Bill Swanson
Sr. Electrical EngineerIntegrated Design Solutions
LEEDuser Expert
736 thumbs up
April 3, 2019 - 8:54 am
My issue with this LEED Zero Energy program is the same with the original CaGBC version. Any Existing building can rubber stamp and claim "Zero Energy".
- New buildings have to achieve LEED certification. Existing buildings just have to register for LEED O+M.
- There is no minimum standard of energy reduction. This should require significant energy reductions. To qualify for this standard a building should be down near 30 EUI.
- This allows normal wasteful construction, but they just write a check for renewable energy credits for 12 months. An adder of about 10% on the energy bill.