LEED Certification Project Submittal Tips from GBCI
A lot of you have asked over the last couple years: What information are LEED reviewers looking at when they're reviewing our LEED documentation, and can't that information be made available to everyone?
In what seems to be a nod in that direction, GBCI has posted a set of LEED Project Submittal Tips for the five major commercial LEED rating systems, including both the current 2009 versions, and the previous 2008 or v2 versions.
The PDFs share a handful of tips for each credit and prerequisite—such as reminding us to make sure our FTE numbers are consistent between SS and WE credits. Pretty basic stuff, and we've long included most of these tips and many others in the Checklists tabs within our LEEDuser credit guidance, but it's nice to see GBCI offering a resource like this.
What do you think—any gems you see in these PDFs?
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