Good list Nadav - I especially like that last one!
One big Lesson Not-Yet-Learned for many is using your specifications effectively for managing sustainability on projects. As a Specifier focused on sustainability, I not only make every effort to incorporate achieveable sustainability requirements for products, but I also incorporate requirements into Division 01 for the construction adminstration phase that will facilitate the project team's ability to actually meet the Owner's sustainbaility goals.
Sadly, many teams do not enforce these requirements from the beginning of the project construction and then are disappointed at the end. If the project requires reports and submittals all thoughout the construction period, don't allow the contractor to slide. "We'll do that later" just does not work well as a strategy, and you'll lose leverage if you put it off.
This is especially problematic on public, low-bid projects, where the Contractor may not care and needs extra education and nudging to be a participant in the process rather than a hinderance. After all, they only need to be the low bid to get the project. Sometimes they'll get into it and want to actively work toward sustainability goals, but it is more typical for them to drag their feet.
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