Complete LEED-EBOM Gold Project Documents on LEEDuser
LEED-EBOM Gold project in Denver, Colorado.
The latest addition is complete LEED Online documentation for a LEED-EBOM v2009 Gold project in Denver, Colorado. The LEED for Existing Buildings project prefers to be anonymous, but it's a large multi-tenant downtown building that achieved LEED certification with a dynamic team.
YR&G was involved as a consultant and helped LEEDuser arrange access to the complete project documentation. Every LEED Online form, every required upload, every policy, every management plan, every cut sheet, and every floor plan that the project team used is now included in our LEED-EBOM Documentation Toolkits for our members. Our Doc Toolkits are organized on LEEDuser on a credit-by-credit basis, so it's easy to find what you're looking for when you need specific credit guidance.
In addition to all the LEED-EBOM prerequisites, Here are some of the credits that this building of mixed offices earned on its way to LEED Gold:
If you're wondering how one LEED Gold project documented these and other credits and prerequisites, click through to our Documentation Toolkits.
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