Add "for initial certification" to each of the required values in Table 1.
LEEDuser’s viewpoint
Frank advice from LEED experts
LEED is changing all the time, and every project is unique. Even seasoned professionals can miss a critical detail and lose a credit or even a prerequisite at the last minute. Our expert advice guides our LEEDuser Premium members and saves you valuable time.
Credit language
© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.
Conduct an occupant satisfaction survey and/or an indoor air quality evaluation.
For the occupant satisfaction survey, regular building occupants must be surveyed. The required number of responses that must be received is outlined in Figure 1.
For the indoor air quality evaluation, test for any of the following contaminants:
- Inorganic Contaminants:
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Ozone (O3)
- PM2.5
- Volatile Organic Compounds:
- Acetaldehyde (75-07-0)
- Benzene (71-43-2)
- Styrene (100-42-5)
- Toluene (108-88-3)
- Naphthalene (91-20-3)
- Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) (106-46-7)
- Xylenes-total (108-38-3, 95-47-6, and 106-42-3)
- Formaldehyde (50-00-0)
- Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) (as defined in ISO 16000-6)
Take the indoor air measurements in locations representative of all occupied spaces, within the breathing zone (between 3 and 6 feet (900 and 1800 millimeters) above the floor), during normal occupied hours, under typical minimum ventilation conditions.
Conduct the survey at least once per year, using the Arc Platform, and calculate an Occupant Satisfaction Score for the project.
Conduct at least one indoor air quality evaluation per year. Input measured contaminant levels into the Arc Platform and calculate a CO2 Score and TVOC score for the project.
For initial certification, obtain a minimum Human Experience Score of 40. Additional points for this prerequisite are awarded for Human Experience Scores above 40, according to Table 1.
The Human Experience Score is based on three components which are weighted differently:
- Occupant satisfaction score (50% weighting)
- CO2 score (25% weighing)
- TVOC score (25% weighting)
Table 1. LEED Points for Human Experience
Human Experience Score | LEED Points |
40 (Required for initial certification) | 8 (Required for initial certification) |
43 | 9 |
48 | 10 |
53 | 11 |
58 | 12 |
63 | 13 |
68 | 14 |
73 | 15 |
78 | 16 |
83 | 17 |
88 | 18 |
93 | 19 |
98 | 20 |
Occupant satisfaction score The occupant satisfaction score rates the satisfaction occupants have with the building against satisfaction of occupants of comparable LEED certified buildings.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s average occupant satisfaction level taking and the variance in the occupant responses.
Occupant Satisfaction Score calculation
To calculate an occupant satisfaction score, the following data is required. All data is collected via the occupant satisfaction survey. At least one survey every 365 days must be conducted:
- Number of regular building occupants and visitors
- For Hospitality projects, number of hotel or lodging guests (these occupants may be excluded from the survey)
- Occupant satisfaction level (for each survey response)
Equation 1: Occupant satisfaction score = (Average occupant satisfaction level x 10) - variance in occupant satisfaction level
CO2 score The CO2 score rates the building’s CO2 levels against the industry benchmark level of 1000 ppm.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s average 95th percentile CO2 value.
CO2 score calculation To calculate a CO2 score, the following data is required:
- Measurement location
- Date and time for each measurement
- Measured CO2 concentration (ppm)
The 95th percentile value for each location (CO295th) is calculated. The 95th percentile is the CO2 value where 95% of the data falls below.
An average CO295th value is calculated for the indoor environmental quality evaluation.
The project’s average CO295th value is then input into the CO2 scoring function (see Figure 2) to produce a CO2 score for the project.
Figure 2. CO2 scoring function
The CO2 scoring function was developed based on the industry benchmark level of 1000 ppm. TVOC Score The TVOC score rates the building’s TVOC levels against the industry benchmark level of 500 µg/m3.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s maximum TVOC value.
TVOC score calculation To calculate a TVOC score, the following data is required:
- Measurement location
- Measurement date(s)
- Start and end time(s) for each measurement
- Measured TVOC concentration (µg/m3)
A maximum TVOC level (TVOCmax) is determined by taking the highest TVOCavg value for the indoor environmental quality evaluation.
The project’s maximum TVOC level (TVOCmax) is then input into the TVOC scoring function to produce a TVOC score for the project.
The TVOC scoring function was developed based on the LEED TVOC limit of 500 µg/m3.
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What does it cost?
Cost estimates for this credit
On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. They analyzed the sustainable design strategies associated with each LEED credit, but also to assign actual costs to those strategies.
Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.
This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.
Learn more about The Cost of LEED v4 »Frequently asked questions
How should I distribute the survey? What if we want to use a “lobby blitz” approach? The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Is there a minimum response rate for the occupant survey? The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Whom do we need to survey?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
How often do we need to conduct the survey?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
My device measures TVOC in ppb units. How do I convert the measurements to μg/m3?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
How many indoor air testing locations are required? Is there any published guidance on this?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Add "for initial certification" to each of the required values in Table 1.
Revise the last sentence in the 4th paragraph to read as: Initial certification projects that include at least three additional contaminants can use this as an Innovation Strategy under the Innovation credit.
Under Step by Step, Step 1, revise first paragraph to read as: "Administer an occupant comfort survey for the building. Conduct the survey in the Arc/LEED Online platform or via an alternative method. If conducting the survey outside of the Arc/LEED Online platform, submit an inquiry to prior to conducting the survey for pre-approval.
Add the following to Step 3, and rename the current Step 3 as Step 4.
"Determine occupant satisfaction score
An occupant satisfaction score will generate for your project once survey response data is entered into Arc/LEED Online and a minimum survey response rate is achieved.
If conducting the survey outside of the Arc/LEED Online platform, contact us at for data upload instructions.
Under the new Step 4, revise second sentence to read as: "Measurements may come from continuous monitoring (via installed sensors) or from one-time air testing"
Revise second paragraph under Step 4 to read as: "Measure in locations that are representative of the different space types in the building."
Add a new paragraph that reads: "For example, the LEEDv4 BD+C Indoor Air Assessment credit states the following as it relates to testing locations: At a minimum, indoor air testing/monitoring locations must cover a) "unventilated or less ventilated occupied spaces b) different space types within the building (e.g. small offices, classroom etc.) or different subtypes in a larger space (e.g. meeting/conference rooms, open office areas, kitchen etc. in a larger office setting) c) any recently renovated/furnished spaces.”
Add the following language to the end of the paragraph that starts "for TVOC...":
"When measuring concentrations below the limit of detection, reported values must be substituted with a value at or above the limit of detection For example, if the detection limit is 150 µg/m3, readings below that value should be provided as 150 µg/m3 and not 0 µg/m3."
Change the former Step 4 to:
"Step 5. Input data for Carbon Dioxide and TVOC
If using one-time air testing, input your project’s CO2 and TVOC measurements, using the Arc Data Template. TVOC data must be reported in µg/m3. CO2 data must be reported in ppm.
The Arc Data Template will calculate the project’s average 95th percentile CO2 value and maximum TVOC value.
If using continuous monitoring, we recommend you sync data directly to the Arc platform via data integration. Contact us at for further information and verification of sensor approach prior to transmitting data to Arc. GBCI verification will include reviewing any conversion factors used for the sensor, sensor detection limits, and processes to scrub raw data before transmitting to Arc.
Revise Required Documentation section to read as:
"- For projects pursuing points through the occupant satisfaction survey
o Completed occupant satisfaction survey including survey dates, occupant type, and satisfaction response.
o If the survey is completed outside of Arc/LEED Online include a copy of the pre-approval from GBCI and a description of the survey methodology and how it meets the survey requirements.
_ For projects pursuing points through the TVOC measurements and/or CO2 measurements:
o Indoor air quality evaluation report, including narrative explaining how test locations were determined, and which measurement methods were used.
o For One-time air testing: Arc data template including dates and times measurements were taken, and the measurement results from each location. If TVOC measurements were taken in other units (such as ppm), also include measurements in original units and any calculation details to demonstrate how the final values were converted to units of µg/m3.
o For continuous monitoring: include any relevant notes from data integration process and communication with GBCI verifying the sensor approach.
-Human experience score results, including occupant satisfaction score result and/or calculated CO2 score result and/or calculated TVOC score. A minimum Performance Score of 40/100 is required for initial certification.
LT prerequisite Transportation Performance
"Note: at this time, the transportation performance score calculated is only based on one-way, one-day survey information. USGBC is in the process of updating the survey platform and scoring to include two-way one-week information."
EA prerequisite Energy Performance
"Note: at this time, the energy performance score calculated is only based on GHG emissions. USGBC is in the process of updating the scoring to include source energy. In the meantime, projects are eligible to earn up to the full 33 points based GHG emissions score."
EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance
"Note: at this time, the Human Experience score is calculated as one-third occupant satisfaction score, one-third CO2 score, and one-third TVOC score. USGBC is in the process of updating the scoring to be half occupant satisfaction, one-quarter CO2 score, and one-quarter TVOC score (as specified in the rating system language)."
At this time the additional inorganic contaminants and volatile organic compounds are not included in the human experience score. For a more comprehensive indoor air quality evaluation, projects are encouraged to include all or some of these additional contaminants in their measurements. An additional point under the Innovation credit is available for projects that include two additional contaminants.
Under step-by-step:
add new paragraph:
Complete steps 1-4 as applicable. For this prerequisite, at least one of the three components of the Human Experience score (occupants satisfaction score, CO2 score, or TVOC score) must be pursued. Projects are encouraged to pursue all three components.
Step 1. Conduct an occupant satisfaction survey
Replace "transportation survey" with "occupant comfort survey."
Step 2. Achieve required response rate from the survey
Remove "Figure 1 in" from first sentence.
Step 3. Conduct an indoor air quality evaluation for the project
Add two paragraphs at the end:
The project team may use any measurement method capable of measuring CO2 and/or TVOC and use their best judgement when determining the number of sampling locations, and frequency and duration of testing. Laboratory-based test methods for TVOC are recommended but not required. If desired, the measurement methods and testing approaches outlined in following related LEED credits may be used: LEED v4.1 or LEED v4 BD+C credit Indoor Air Assessment, LEED 2009 BD+C credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan – Before Occupancy, and/or LEED v4 O+M Performance Based Indoor Air Assessment in Existing Buildings.
For TVOC, measurements must be provided in µg/m3. Use correction factors and/or conversion factors applicable to the instrument being used when converting from ppm to µg/m3 and note any assumptions in the evaluation report.
Under Required Documentation replace second bullet with:
Indoor air quality evaluation report, including narrative explaining how test locations were determined, dates, times, and results of each test, and measurement methods. If TVOC readings were taken in other units (such as ppm), include calculation details with any conversion/correction factors used.
Documentation toolkit
The motherlode of cheat sheets
LEEDuser’s Documentation Toolkit is loaded with calculators to help assess credit compliance, tracking spreadsheets for materials, sample templates to help guide your narratives and LEED Online submissions, and examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects for you to check your work against. To get your plaque, start with the right toolkit.
Get the inside scoop
Our editors have written a detailed analysis of nearly every LEED credit, and LEEDuser premium members get full access. We’ll tell you whether the credit is easy to accomplish or better left alone, and we provide insider tips on how to document it successfully.
© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.
Conduct an occupant satisfaction survey and/or an indoor air quality evaluation.
For the occupant satisfaction survey, regular building occupants must be surveyed. The required number of responses that must be received is outlined in Figure 1.
For the indoor air quality evaluation, test for any of the following contaminants:
- Inorganic Contaminants:
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Ozone (O3)
- PM2.5
- Volatile Organic Compounds:
- Acetaldehyde (75-07-0)
- Benzene (71-43-2)
- Styrene (100-42-5)
- Toluene (108-88-3)
- Naphthalene (91-20-3)
- Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) (106-46-7)
- Xylenes-total (108-38-3, 95-47-6, and 106-42-3)
- Formaldehyde (50-00-0)
- Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) (as defined in ISO 16000-6)
Take the indoor air measurements in locations representative of all occupied spaces, within the breathing zone (between 3 and 6 feet (900 and 1800 millimeters) above the floor), during normal occupied hours, under typical minimum ventilation conditions.
Conduct the survey at least once per year, using the Arc Platform, and calculate an Occupant Satisfaction Score for the project.
Conduct at least one indoor air quality evaluation per year. Input measured contaminant levels into the Arc Platform and calculate a CO2 Score and TVOC score for the project.
For initial certification, obtain a minimum Human Experience Score of 40. Additional points for this prerequisite are awarded for Human Experience Scores above 40, according to Table 1.
The Human Experience Score is based on three components which are weighted differently:
- Occupant satisfaction score (50% weighting)
- CO2 score (25% weighing)
- TVOC score (25% weighting)
Table 1. LEED Points for Human Experience
Human Experience Score | LEED Points |
40 (Required for initial certification) | 8 (Required for initial certification) |
43 | 9 |
48 | 10 |
53 | 11 |
58 | 12 |
63 | 13 |
68 | 14 |
73 | 15 |
78 | 16 |
83 | 17 |
88 | 18 |
93 | 19 |
98 | 20 |
Occupant satisfaction score The occupant satisfaction score rates the satisfaction occupants have with the building against satisfaction of occupants of comparable LEED certified buildings.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s average occupant satisfaction level taking and the variance in the occupant responses.
Occupant Satisfaction Score calculation
To calculate an occupant satisfaction score, the following data is required. All data is collected via the occupant satisfaction survey. At least one survey every 365 days must be conducted:
- Number of regular building occupants and visitors
- For Hospitality projects, number of hotel or lodging guests (these occupants may be excluded from the survey)
- Occupant satisfaction level (for each survey response)
Equation 1: Occupant satisfaction score = (Average occupant satisfaction level x 10) - variance in occupant satisfaction level
CO2 score The CO2 score rates the building’s CO2 levels against the industry benchmark level of 1000 ppm.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s average 95th percentile CO2 value.
CO2 score calculation To calculate a CO2 score, the following data is required:
- Measurement location
- Date and time for each measurement
- Measured CO2 concentration (ppm)
The 95th percentile value for each location (CO295th) is calculated. The 95th percentile is the CO2 value where 95% of the data falls below.
An average CO295th value is calculated for the indoor environmental quality evaluation.
The project’s average CO295th value is then input into the CO2 scoring function (see Figure 2) to produce a CO2 score for the project.
Figure 2. CO2 scoring function
The CO2 scoring function was developed based on the industry benchmark level of 1000 ppm. TVOC Score The TVOC score rates the building’s TVOC levels against the industry benchmark level of 500 µg/m3.
The score is a value from 1-100 based on the project’s maximum TVOC value.
TVOC score calculation To calculate a TVOC score, the following data is required:
- Measurement location
- Measurement date(s)
- Start and end time(s) for each measurement
- Measured TVOC concentration (µg/m3)
A maximum TVOC level (TVOCmax) is determined by taking the highest TVOCavg value for the indoor environmental quality evaluation.
The project’s maximum TVOC level (TVOCmax) is then input into the TVOC scoring function to produce a TVOC score for the project.
The TVOC scoring function was developed based on the LEED TVOC limit of 500 µg/m3.
In the end, LEED is all about documentation. LEEDuser’s Documentation Toolkit, for premium members only, saves you time and helps you avoid mistakes with:
- Calculators to help assess credit compliance.
- Tracking spreadsheets for materials purchases.
- Spreadsheets and forms to give to subs and other team members.
- Guidance documents on arcane LEED issues.
- Sample templates to help guide your narratives and LEED Online submissions.
- Examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects.
How should I distribute the survey? What if we want to use a “lobby blitz” approach? The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Is there a minimum response rate for the occupant survey? The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Whom do we need to survey?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
How often do we need to conduct the survey?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
My device measures TVOC in ppb units. How do I convert the measurements to μg/m3?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
How many indoor air testing locations are required? Is there any published guidance on this?
The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Add "for initial certification" to each of the required values in Table 1.
Revise the last sentence in the 4th paragraph to read as: Initial certification projects that include at least three additional contaminants can use this as an Innovation Strategy under the Innovation credit.
Under Step by Step, Step 1, revise first paragraph to read as: "Administer an occupant comfort survey for the building. Conduct the survey in the Arc/LEED Online platform or via an alternative method. If conducting the survey outside of the Arc/LEED Online platform, submit an inquiry to prior to conducting the survey for pre-approval.
Add the following to Step 3, and rename the current Step 3 as Step 4.
"Determine occupant satisfaction score
An occupant satisfaction score will generate for your project once survey response data is entered into Arc/LEED Online and a minimum survey response rate is achieved.
If conducting the survey outside of the Arc/LEED Online platform, contact us at for data upload instructions.
Under the new Step 4, revise second sentence to read as: "Measurements may come from continuous monitoring (via installed sensors) or from one-time air testing"
Revise second paragraph under Step 4 to read as: "Measure in locations that are representative of the different space types in the building."
Add a new paragraph that reads: "For example, the LEEDv4 BD+C Indoor Air Assessment credit states the following as it relates to testing locations: At a minimum, indoor air testing/monitoring locations must cover a) "unventilated or less ventilated occupied spaces b) different space types within the building (e.g. small offices, classroom etc.) or different subtypes in a larger space (e.g. meeting/conference rooms, open office areas, kitchen etc. in a larger office setting) c) any recently renovated/furnished spaces.”
Add the following language to the end of the paragraph that starts "for TVOC...":
"When measuring concentrations below the limit of detection, reported values must be substituted with a value at or above the limit of detection For example, if the detection limit is 150 µg/m3, readings below that value should be provided as 150 µg/m3 and not 0 µg/m3."
Change the former Step 4 to:
"Step 5. Input data for Carbon Dioxide and TVOC
If using one-time air testing, input your project’s CO2 and TVOC measurements, using the Arc Data Template. TVOC data must be reported in µg/m3. CO2 data must be reported in ppm.
The Arc Data Template will calculate the project’s average 95th percentile CO2 value and maximum TVOC value.
If using continuous monitoring, we recommend you sync data directly to the Arc platform via data integration. Contact us at for further information and verification of sensor approach prior to transmitting data to Arc. GBCI verification will include reviewing any conversion factors used for the sensor, sensor detection limits, and processes to scrub raw data before transmitting to Arc.
Revise Required Documentation section to read as:
"- For projects pursuing points through the occupant satisfaction survey
o Completed occupant satisfaction survey including survey dates, occupant type, and satisfaction response.
o If the survey is completed outside of Arc/LEED Online include a copy of the pre-approval from GBCI and a description of the survey methodology and how it meets the survey requirements.
_ For projects pursuing points through the TVOC measurements and/or CO2 measurements:
o Indoor air quality evaluation report, including narrative explaining how test locations were determined, and which measurement methods were used.
o For One-time air testing: Arc data template including dates and times measurements were taken, and the measurement results from each location. If TVOC measurements were taken in other units (such as ppm), also include measurements in original units and any calculation details to demonstrate how the final values were converted to units of µg/m3.
o For continuous monitoring: include any relevant notes from data integration process and communication with GBCI verifying the sensor approach.
-Human experience score results, including occupant satisfaction score result and/or calculated CO2 score result and/or calculated TVOC score. A minimum Performance Score of 40/100 is required for initial certification.
LT prerequisite Transportation Performance
"Note: at this time, the transportation performance score calculated is only based on one-way, one-day survey information. USGBC is in the process of updating the survey platform and scoring to include two-way one-week information."
EA prerequisite Energy Performance
"Note: at this time, the energy performance score calculated is only based on GHG emissions. USGBC is in the process of updating the scoring to include source energy. In the meantime, projects are eligible to earn up to the full 33 points based GHG emissions score."
EQ prerequisite Indoor Environmental Quality Performance
"Note: at this time, the Human Experience score is calculated as one-third occupant satisfaction score, one-third CO2 score, and one-third TVOC score. USGBC is in the process of updating the scoring to be half occupant satisfaction, one-quarter CO2 score, and one-quarter TVOC score (as specified in the rating system language)."
At this time the additional inorganic contaminants and volatile organic compounds are not included in the human experience score. For a more comprehensive indoor air quality evaluation, projects are encouraged to include all or some of these additional contaminants in their measurements. An additional point under the Innovation credit is available for projects that include two additional contaminants.
Under step-by-step:
add new paragraph:
Complete steps 1-4 as applicable. For this prerequisite, at least one of the three components of the Human Experience score (occupants satisfaction score, CO2 score, or TVOC score) must be pursued. Projects are encouraged to pursue all three components.
Step 1. Conduct an occupant satisfaction survey
Replace "transportation survey" with "occupant comfort survey."
Step 2. Achieve required response rate from the survey
Remove "Figure 1 in" from first sentence.
Step 3. Conduct an indoor air quality evaluation for the project
Add two paragraphs at the end:
The project team may use any measurement method capable of measuring CO2 and/or TVOC and use their best judgement when determining the number of sampling locations, and frequency and duration of testing. Laboratory-based test methods for TVOC are recommended but not required. If desired, the measurement methods and testing approaches outlined in following related LEED credits may be used: LEED v4.1 or LEED v4 BD+C credit Indoor Air Assessment, LEED 2009 BD+C credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan – Before Occupancy, and/or LEED v4 O+M Performance Based Indoor Air Assessment in Existing Buildings.
For TVOC, measurements must be provided in µg/m3. Use correction factors and/or conversion factors applicable to the instrument being used when converting from ppm to µg/m3 and note any assumptions in the evaluation report.
Under Required Documentation replace second bullet with:
Indoor air quality evaluation report, including narrative explaining how test locations were determined, dates, times, and results of each test, and measurement methods. If TVOC readings were taken in other units (such as ppm), include calculation details with any conversion/correction factors used.