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Homes-v4 EAc11: Heating and cooling distribution systems 2-3 points

LEEDuser’s viewpoint

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Case 1. Forced-Air System
Option 1. Ductwork in Conditioned Space (3 points)
Duct leakage testing is waived if the following conditions are met:
  • The air-handler unit and all ductwork are located entirely within conditioned spaces.
  • The envelope is airtight; 2 points are earned in EA Credit: Air Infiltration.
Ductless systems with air circulation blowers qualify. This case is not available for multifamily projects whose ductwork runs through spaces between units: interstitial space is considered outside the thermal envelope of the unit.


Option 2. Ductwork in Unconditioned Space (2 points)
Large Homes or Multifamily Units For homes or multifamily units of 1,200 square feet (110 square meters) or more, limit the rate of duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. For each installed system, the tested duct leakage rate must not exceed 3.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet (0.9 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area. Small Homes or Multifamily Units For homes or multifamily units smaller than 1,200 square feet (110 square meters), limit the rate of duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. For each installed system, the tested duct leakage rate must not exceed 4.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet (1.2 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area.
Case 2. Hydronic System (2–3 points)
Keep the system (including boiler and distribution pipes) entirely within the conditioned envelope (2 points). For an additional point, install an outdoor reset control that modulates distribution water temperature based on the outdoor air temperature (1 point).
Credit only available for projects using the EA prescriptive path’
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What does it cost?

Cost estimates for this credit

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Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.

This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.

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10/2/2017Updated: 10/20/2017
Rating System Correction
Description of change:
Remove 9 instances of references to qualified energy rater in LEED v4 Homes and Midrise rating system requirements, as indicated below.

(Instances 1 and 2) EA PREREQUISITE: MINIMUM ENERGY PERFORMANCE (MIDRISE), Option 2. Commissioning using Prescriptive Path:

Requirement 1. Reduced Heating and Cooling Distribution System Losses for In-unit HVAC: remove the phrase "verified by a qualified energy rater." at the end of the second sentence under 1.
Requirement 4. Multifamily Midrise Thermal Enclosure Inspection Checklist: replace the first sentence under 2 with the following text: "Inspect and verify each item on the checklist."

(Instance 3 & 4 ) EA CREDIT: AIR INFILTRATION (HOMES): Delete sentence in both Case 1 and Case 2 "The rate of air leakage to outside must be tested and verified by a qualified energy rater" from credit language.

Instance 5) EA CREDIT: ENVELOPE INSULATION (HOMES): Delete sentence "Installation must be verified by a qualified energy rater conducting a pre-drywall thermal enclosure inspection" from credit language.


Option 2. Ductwork in Unconditioned Space: Delete the phrase ", verified by the qualified energy rater." after the sentence that begins with "for each installed system" under requirements for both Large Homes or Multifamily Units and under requirements for Small Homes or Multifamily Units.


Option 2. Supply Air-Flow Testing: Delete the phrase "by a qualified energy rater" from the sentence that begins "Have the total supply air-flow rates in each room tested ."

Option 3. Pressure Balancing: Delete the sentence "The testing must be verified by a qualified energy rater."

Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
LEED Interpretation

There are very few HERS raters outside of North America. Can other professionals be considered qualified professionals?


Yes, for projects outside of the U.S. and Canada, individuals with the following qualifications will be considered a qualified professional:

1. Completion of one of the following forms of education-

An Associate or Bachelor’s degree program that includes coursework in applied building science. If performing blower door testing and/or duct leakage for the LEED project, the individual must provide evidence that the Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree coursework specifically covered these topics, or provide evidence of at least 4 hours of formal training for each relevant topic.


At least 4 hours of formal training in each of the following: building science fundamentals, blower door testing (if being performed for the project), air sealing inspections, insulation inspections, and duct leakage testing (if being performed by the project).

2. Experience performing energy inspections and testing on at least two building projects with a similar scope of work.
3. At least three years of professional experience in residential construction.

Additionally, the individual may not be part of the design or construction team.

***Updated 7.10.2020 to include applicability to v2008***

**Updated 1.08.2021 to align terminology with "qualified professional". For projects outside of the U.S. and Canada, the qualified professional meeting the qualifications above may perform all tasks required to be performed by the HERS Rater (also referred to as the “qualified energy rater” in the LEED v4 Homes Reference Guide).

Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
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Case 1. Forced-Air System
Option 1. Ductwork in Conditioned Space (3 points)
Duct leakage testing is waived if the following conditions are met:
  • The air-handler unit and all ductwork are located entirely within conditioned spaces.
  • The envelope is airtight; 2 points are earned in EA Credit: Air Infiltration.
Ductless systems with air circulation blowers qualify. This case is not available for multifamily projects whose ductwork runs through spaces between units: interstitial space is considered outside the thermal envelope of the unit.


Option 2. Ductwork in Unconditioned Space (2 points)
Large Homes or Multifamily Units For homes or multifamily units of 1,200 square feet (110 square meters) or more, limit the rate of duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. For each installed system, the tested duct leakage rate must not exceed 3.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet (0.9 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area. Small Homes or Multifamily Units For homes or multifamily units smaller than 1,200 square feet (110 square meters), limit the rate of duct air leakage to outside the conditioned envelope. For each installed system, the tested duct leakage rate must not exceed 4.0 cfm at 25 Pascals per 100 square feet (1.2 cmm at 25 Pascals per 100 square meters) of conditioned floor area.
Case 2. Hydronic System (2–3 points)
Keep the system (including boiler and distribution pipes) entirely within the conditioned envelope (2 points). For an additional point, install an outdoor reset control that modulates distribution water temperature based on the outdoor air temperature (1 point).
Credit only available for projects using the EA prescriptive path’
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