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Schematic Design

Develop a list and number of all occupied spaces in the building, noting multi-occupant spaces.

Develop a list and number of all occupied spaces in the building, noting multi-occupant spaces. The number of individual occupant spaces and multi-occupant spaces should be the same between IEQc6.1 and IEQc6.2.

Running estimated calculations early in the design stage will help to give you a better understanding of how much the credit might cost. Just keep in mind that the cost may change once the energy usage is further defined as part of your calculations for E

Running estimated calculations early in the design stage will help to give you a better understanding of how much the credit might cost. Just keep in mind that the cost may change once the energy usage is further defined as part of your calculations for EAp2 and EAc1: Optimize Energy Performance. If you are using an energy model per Option 1 of EAc1, the cost of RECs might change if alterations to the energy model are required after the LEED design review, but the change should be minimal.