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Schematic Design

Becoming a LEED AP will lead to some costs related to exam preparation, the exam registration fee of several hundred dollars, and any training manuals or classes. However, unlike other credits that may require capital investments, these expenses may be co

Becoming a LEED AP will lead to some costs related to exam preparation, the exam registration fee of several hundred dollars, and any training manuals or classes. However, unlike other credits that may require capital investments, these expenses may be considered normal professional development, and will benefit the project building in many ways as the individual applies that green building knowledge.

It is more helpful to have a LEED AP that is not directly responsible for design as the LEED AP will ideally be assisting all design and construction trades to ensure the LEED process is on track.  It may be difficult for a LEED AP to effectively man

It is more helpful to have a LEED AP that is not directly responsible for design as the LEED AP will ideally be assisting all design and construction trades to ensure the LEED process is on track.  It may be difficult for a LEED AP to effectively manage the LEED process if, for example, they are also responsible for the architectural design.