If you find your project does meet all the criteria after reviewing each one, you are ready to document the credit. To do so, you’ll simply need to provide information on your project location and check off appropriate boxes verifying credit compliance.
If the design team does not know all of the answers, someone involved in planning or environmental work in the local municipality may be the most helpful person to talk to. Seek out specialized municipal agencies for help on specific issues.
Finding existing information (rather than undertaking new studies) makes for the easiest documentation. The challenge is finding the information easily.
Check with the civil engineer, who may already know if your project meets the requirements. If the civil engineer can provide only a few of the answers, also consult the landscape architect and architect, who may have already done some of this research.
Remember that the IAQ management plan focuses on operations, but a good design will minimize the risk of mold. When designing roof and wall systems, include detailed drawings of drainage planes and flashing installation, and specify appropriate joint sealant.