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Calculating irrigation water use is not required for this credit; however, understanding how indoor water use compares to outdoor water use can help you gauge where to focus your reduction efforts for the greatest benefit. Some water-saving strategies add

Calculating irrigation water use is not required for this credit; however, understanding how indoor water use compares to outdoor water use can help you gauge where to focus your reduction efforts for the greatest benefit. Some water-saving strategies address both indoor and outdoor water needs holistically. For example, if you treat your wastewater onsite, you can use the treated water to irrigate your landscape as well as to flush toilets.

You can also protect or restore water bodies, soils, and other ecosystems to meet the credit requirements. Doing so may require the help of a biologist or ecologist, whereas protecting or restoring vegetation may only require a landscape architect. ”Other

You can also protect or restore water bodies, soils, and other ecosystems to meet the credit requirements. Doing so may require the help of a biologist or ecologist, whereas protecting or restoring vegetation may only require a landscape architect. ”Other ecosystems” is a fairly open-ended term, and a project that tries to protect or restore something outside of the defined list will be approved or denied based on your ability to justify it to the LEED reviewer on a project-by-project basis.