Your list has to include only equipment that is installed new or purchased within the LEED-CI project scope; existing equipment may be excluded (note that this is a change from the original 2009 release of the rating system—see the Bird's Eye View for more detail).
First identify which appliances and equipment are eligible for an Energy Star rating in your project. Check the Energy Star website for up-to-date listings of products and appliances that are available as Energy Star-labeled and create a project-specific list of these items.
Make sure your environmental professional provides a summary of the asbestos inventory and a plan for its remediation. The plan must document the type, amount, and location of the contamination, and create a remediation plan following EPA Reg. 40-CFR-763 and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) program.
If your project building was built prior to the late 1970s, there may be some form of asbestos present in piping insulation, siding, or other materials. If you are undergoing major renovations, it’s likely that some asbestos will need to be removed from the building or remediated. However, not all types need to be remediated. To determine whether you will need to remediate asbestos on your project site, hire a qualified environmental professional to inventory asbestos and document it according to EPA Reg.
Cleaning up contaminated sites to appropriate standards for development can be costly due to the time required to determine the level of contamination, analyze various cleanup options, and carry out the remediation.
Invite several companies to bid on the creation and implementation of a master plan for site remediation. This strategy enables comparison of remediation techniques and costs. Try to contract with an environmental firm early in the project.
If you’re approaching this credit from the perspective of SSp2: Enviornmental Site Assessment and have already remediated a site to meet the requirements of a Phase II ESA for that prerequisite, this credit is automatic. The documentation is the same as is required for this credit.