If the building has reflective roof or non-roof surfaces contributing to Option 2, Paths 4 and 5, the reflectance of those materials should be maintained over time with proper cleaning. Although maintaining these materials may be out of your scope, consider recommending it to building operations staff.
If your site does contain sensitive areas, be sure to provide a site map that delineates these areas. Ensure that any maintenance and grounds keeping does not infringe on these areas, and be sure to exclude them from any future building or development, even if not part of a LEED project.
Consider installing permanent water metering for ongoing monitoring of the project’s water use. A submetering system can help operations staff detect problems early and facilitate future LEED-EBOM certification.
Provide building managers with manuals and guidance for all fixtures and fittings, water-reuse technologies, onsite water treatment systems and unconventional products.
Train cleaning and operations staff to maintain atypical fixtures such as waterless urinals, composting toilets, and graywater collection and rainwater catchment systems.
If a submetering or ongoing monitoring system is in place, be sure to track and record monthly use. This can help detect problems, contribute to a comprehensive M&V plan, and help with LEED-EBOM certification.