If your project site as a whole does not meet all the credit criteria but you intend to attempt the credit based on special circumstances, be sure to include detailed project drawings delineating the sensitive areas and the development footprint.
If collecting rainwater or reusing graywater, ensure that the key system components, such as water treatment and cisterns, are not removed during value engineering.
Specify signage for water fixtures or strategies that may require special instructions for use, or educate users on water savings. This may include signage for explaining proper operation of dual-flush toilets, waterless urinals, indicating non-potable water if supplied at faucets, and distinguishing pipes carrying reused water for operations and maintenance personnel.
Be sure you’ve included startup of a wastewater treatment system in contract documents and scope of services. You may want the commissioning agent to look at the wastewater treatment system too.
Fill out the LEED Online credit form. The total calculated flush-fixture water-use for the baseline and design cases will be automatically generated once the WEp1 credit form is filled out.