We have a LEED project, new addition in an existing school. Under the PI form, where it requires "Site area within the LEED project boundary" we have reported the Site SF excluding the new addition footprint. The way we interpreted it is that the footprint should be excluded otherwise the form would have required the "LEED Project Boundary" instead. In the PDF site plan we provided in the form we clearly have highlighted the site SF, the footprint SF and also the total SF(LEED Project Boundary). We couldn't find any definition of this Site Area in the guide book, since there is no PI section on the guide. 

We got the review report and about the site area reported in PI form it says:

"It does not appear that the site areas have been correctly reported. For example, this prerequisite documents the site area as 21,987 square feet, whereas SSc Open Space and SSc Rainwater Management report the site area as 33,504 square feet.

The Open Space form clearly rquires the "Total Site Area, including building footprint(s)".

Why can't the PI form be also clear in what they require?

I would assume that they also require a Total site area in the PI form, but can anyone please confirm this?

Thank you in advance!