Dear All,
According to LEED EAp2 Guidance (Reference Guide, Further Explanation), “Europe ACP for ASHRAE 90.1 Mandatory Provisions table (attached) provides further guidance for project teams in Europe wishing to use European standards in lieu of CERTAIN ASHRAE 90.1-2010 mandatory provisions in LEED v4”.
The question is: can we use both alternatives (either ASHRAE 90.1 or Europe ACP for ASHRAE 90.1 Mandatory Provisions table) in the same project (i.e., demonstrating compliance with ASHRAE for some requirements and demonstrating compliance with Europe ACP for ASHRAE 90.1 Mandatory Provisions table for other requirements)?
Best regards,
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
34 thumbs up
September 24, 2024 - 11:44 pm
I haven't faced exactly the same situation, but in different credits and in similar case of EAp2/c2 position of the reviewer was like "either you are showing compliance with one document through all requirements, or you are showing compliance with the second document through all requirements, no mix of requirements".
Maybe smbd has other experience.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5922 thumbs up
September 26, 2024 - 11:34 am
You can't pick and choose. You need to go one way or the other.
Adrienn Gelesz
LEED APABUD Engineering Ltd.
48 thumbs up
November 14, 2024 - 7:42 am
Hi, can someone let me know what is the latest version of the ACP for Europe on ASHRAE 90.1? I only found the 30 January 2018 edition.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5922 thumbs up
November 16, 2024 - 2:31 pm
I don't believe there has been an update since 2018.
Lidia Johansen
Principal Environmental Consultantchapmanbdsp
December 5, 2024 - 12:45 pm
Hello everyone, found this update of the ACP for Europe based on ASHRAE 2016. The spreadsheet is dated 2019 however I could not find it when searching last month -