Given that our planned v4.1 NC (New Construction) Hospitality project anticipates incorporating diverse uses and increased density in the future (as per the area plan), we are exploring options to reflect these anticipated developments in our LEED certification strategy. We are interested in understanding how we might incorporate these future plans into our current LEED v4.1 NC application to maximize the number of credits we can achieve.

Specifically, we would like to know if there are provisions within the LEED v4.1 NC framework that allow us to calculate the future density and diverse uses as per the plan and claim points for it. Additionally, we seek guidance on the type of documentation or evidence required to demonstrate that our project is designed with future flexibility in mind, and how this could impact our LEED score. We also want to understand any best practices or strategies for integrating these considerations into our current submission to ensure that we fully leverage the potential for future development in our LEED certification efforts.