Currently, I am conducting certification for an office project, in the commercial interiors mode, which only has ADA restrooms within the LEED boundary. The majority (95%) of users will be using the restroom modules of the core building, out of the boundary. The reviewer made comments regarding the calculator in the first review of the submittal, requesting a separate calculator (for the prerequisite) for only the fixtures in the scope of work. What is the correct occupancy percentage that should be assigned in the calculator for compliance with the prerequisite if only 5% occupancy was assigned for the ADA restrooms in the credit calculator? Should it remain at 5% or should I change it to 100% only for the prerequisite? If anyone has had a similar project where only ADA restrooms are available within the project and can share their experience, it would be very valuable. Thanks in advance
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Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
34 thumbs up
May 26, 2024 - 1:10 am
Once again - I have little experience in CI projects, but I hope it will help at least to guide you.
Per my experience restrooms outside the project boundary are excluded from calculation if project owner can't affect on it (i.e. change smth including fixtures). As I understand - this is your situation, so the reviewer comment is correct (to exclude such restrooms that are outside the project boundary).
Second thing - as I understood your request reviewr left no comments regarding the percentage of the employees that would use the ADA restrooms. Determination of it was left on your discretion.
So you can go for:
In my experience open and honest description of your decisions in grey zone (like percentage of ADA restrooms and people with specific demands is not determined by LEED) in 99,9 % would work.
If you are at the stage of dinal review and you are nerveous about it (some contract issues are depends on successful review or other things) - submit a CIR with clear description of your assumptions and calculations.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
June 5, 2024 - 7:54 pm
Laura, when you say ADA restrooms, do you mean unisex, accessible restrooms that only have a toilet and sink, and no urinals?