I'm working on a 455,000gsf expansion of an existing warehouse/stroage facility. The existing facility won't be renovated, spare for the demolition of an existing exterior wall to provide enclosed access to th new expansion. All restrooms serving the overall building are already built/within the existing building. The new expansion, while large, will not house any water-using fixtures, as the purpose of this facility is for automated storage/warehousing only. As such, we have a project where there will be zero water use to reduce above baseline; thus, I'm wondering how we can comply with this Prerequisite? Is this to be treated similarly as outdoor water use reduction when there is no permanent irrigation system installed? In that instance, the "reduction" is 100%, by forgoing systems, which also satisfied the Prerequisite and awards the projects (2) points. Does this same logic apply to a project without indoor plumbing fixtures, and if so, are we able to take full credit (and points) as we would by similarly forgoing an irrigation system onsite?