I'm working on a 455,000gsf expansion of an existing facility, which will have all new/standalone systems to support the new wing. The existing facility won't be impacted, spare for the demolition of an existing exterior wall to provide enclosed access between the new expansion and the existing building. The new wing will have only (2) FTE, as the space will be 100% dedicated to storage systems, which will be fully automated. As such, there is technically no "regularly occupied space" that would fall under ASHRAE 62.1-2010 to comply with; thus, I am wondering how we can demonstrate compliance with this Prerequisite, given such a condition?
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
534 thumbs up
December 4, 2023 - 9:26 am
Hi Blake,
If the new wing has two full-time equivalent occupants then I would guess GBCI would consider this to be a 'regularly occupied' space...and require ventilation/OA monitoring/confirmation of non-attainment (PM 2.5 & ozone).
If the new wing is fully automated and people are only in the space sparingly for maintenance purposes of the automated retrieval system then I would guess GBCI would consider this to be an unoccupied space. and EQp1 would not apply in this instance.