We have attempted this credit for our office project based as we find that the requirements of 3 separate WELL preconditions and 1 optiimzation are well aligned with the requirements of this pilot credit, those are:

X01.3: Restrict Lead

X02.2: Manage Lead Paint Hazards

W02.1: Meet Chemical Thresholds for Drinking Water Quality (Lead <0.01mg/l)

W05.1: Assess and Maintain Drinking Water Quality (quarterly water testing - Lead <10ug/l)

We find that this pilot credit is relevant to drive market transformation in our project location due to a lack of laws that prohibit the use of lead based products. To achieve the above WELL features, we had conducted a lead site investigation (alongside asbestos and PCB). Thankfully, no hazardous materials were found during the investigation, it also helps that the base building for which our project sits is a certified green building (the use of eco label paints was part of the base building construction and is required for all tenant fit-outs).

We're curious to know if the above strategies will be accepted by USGBC for this pilot credit.