How much of vegetation on either side of path can count as qualifying open space?  it is clear from the credit that on site with a path through a garden, the entirety of the garden could qualify - the vegetation is part of what makes it a qualifying open space.  we have two situations on two different projects (not yet submitted) - a path that leads through an area preserved area of older (not old) growth forest, where it is intended that people not leave the path, and an exercise trail along the perimeter of the site that has an edge with a steep, vegetated slope (steep enough that people will not veer off the path).  To me, some portion (if not all) of the forest and the slope should be included as qualifying open space, since they will be directly experienced and enhance the path.  But not clear to me that there is a definitive distance we can count on, since the entirety of the forest and slope cannot be accessed.  The fact that entirety of wetlands (not directly accessible) can count (assuming the slope qualifies), regardless of size, implies to me that perhaps the entire area can qualify, if bordered or bisected by an accessible path?  Any thoughts or experience on this?