Could you tell me which products should be included in the permanently installed building products ?
I think that technical equipment (HVAC or electric) shouldn't be included, but I cannot find the confirmation anywhere...
Thanks for your help !
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
530 thumbs up
March 7, 2023 - 1:28 pm
The Step-by-Step guidance of the EPD credit within the v4 reference guide provides a note to address your question.
"..optional MEP products may be included, provided they are also included in the other two cost-based credits". (Sourcing of Raw Materials & Material Ingredients)
However, I believe v4.1 is simply based on number of products - rather than cost. So I would expect that GBCI would accept EPDs / HPDs from any permanantly installed product on the project.
From my experience I have never had to track down declarations from MEP equipment since I always seem to meet our target with paints, ceilings, flooring, doors & hardware, and gypsum board.
Cecile de Villemeur
2 thumbs up
March 7, 2023 - 4:16 pm
Thank you ! I eventually found in the guide this help :
The MR section addresses “permanently installed building products,” which as defined by LEED refers to products and materials that create the building or are attached to it. Examples include structure and enclosure elements,
installed finishes, framing, interior walls, cabinets and casework, doors, and roofs. Most of these materials fall into Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 2012 MasterFormat Divisions 3-10, 31, and 32. Some products addressed
by MR credits fall outside these divisions.
Furniture is not required to be included in credit calculations. However, if furniture is included in MR credit calculations, all furniture must be included consistently in all cost-based credits.
In past versions of LEED, all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment (MEP), categorized as CSI MasterFormat divisions 11, 21-28, and other specialty divisions, was excluded from MR credits. In this version
of LEED some specific products that are part of these systems but are “passive” (meaning not part of the active portions of the system) may be included in credit calculations. This allows flexibility for the optional assessment of
piping, pipe insulation, ducts, duct insulation, conduit, plumbing fixtures, faucets, showerheads, and lamp housings. If they are included in credit calculations, they must be included consistently across relevant MR credits. However,
unlike furniture, if some of these products are included in credit calculations, not all products of that type must be included. For example, if the cost of ducts is included in the MR calculations for recycled content, the cost of ducts
that do not meet the credit requirement does not need to be included in the numerator or denominator of the credit calculation. However, the denominator for cost-based credits (all Building Product Disclosure and Optimization
credits) calculations must be the same.
Special equipment, such as elevators, escalators, process equipment, and fire suppression, systems, is excluded from the credit calculations. Also excluded are products purchased for temporary use on the project, like formwork
for concrete.