
The maximum allowed fan power per AHU in the Baseline Building is defined with Table, using the Design Flow Rates and the pressure drop adjustments. The design flow rate is sized based on a 20 deg. F supply-air-to-room-air temperature difference for heating and cooling.

The actual maximal flow rates, delivered by the fans, after running the simulation, are usually much lower than the summed up design flow rates of each zone (VAV, different heating/cooling loads). It could easily be only 20-40 % of the Design flow rate. Therefore, the actual fan power, is much lower than the allowed fan power.

Question: Which fan power (suply/return/exhaust) should I enter in the MEPC? I know it says "These values are calculated based on system type, any pressure adjustments listed below, the total supply volume, and the ASHRAE 90.1 fan motor efficiency associated with the fan motor power.". What is meant by the "total supply volume"? Is it correct, that my fan powers here are much lower than the allowed fan power?

Thanks for a quick confirmation, am always somewhat unsure here.
