Our specific concern is the ventilation of the parking garage.
We ensure natural ventilation with openings located on two opposite sides of the plan and designed according to Italian fire safety regulations, yet they do not assure compliance with the Natural Ventilation Procedure on ASHRAE 62.1-2010. Our windows fail to meet the indications on the “6.1.1 Double Side Openings” since the distance between them is greater than five times the height of the ceiling.
There are any exceptions that could be use?
- The parking is for an hotel located next to one of the major train stations in the city, expectedly most users will not be using the car park (but we - have to build it to comply with national regulation).
- Additional ventilation system would have a significant impact on the overall energy consumption
To us seems a waste of energy without any real benefit to the hotel guests.
Thank you for your feedback!
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