Is it a must to start a simple box energy model for a new project to extract HVAC requirements to acheive a certain level of energy savings?
Oe is there a guide that can be used to extract preliminary requirements at this early stage?
Forum discussion
NC-v4 EAc2: Optimize energy performance
Is it a must to start a simple box energy model for a new project to extract HVAC requirements to acheive a certain level of energy savings?
Oe is there a guide that can be used to extract preliminary requirements at this early stage?
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
November 30, 2021 - 10:06 am
It is not a must. A simple box model actually is required under the Integrative Process credit. The modeling required for this credit would typically happen after you do a simple box model very, very early in the design process.
The best guide to design phase energy simulation is contained in ASHRAE Standard 209.