Previous versions of LEED stipulated the Material and Resource Credits only applied to Divisions 2-10 products.
Under LEEDv4, do CSI Divisions 21 – Fire Suppression, 22 – Plumbing, 23 – Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning, 25 Integrated Automation, 26 – Electrical, 27 – Communications, 28 – Electronic Safety and Security know require documentation for the Material and Resource credits including Building product disclosure and optimization credits MRc2, MRc3 and MRc4?
Keith Robertson
PresidentSolterre Inc.
54 thumbs up
February 22, 2021 - 10:12 am
It is optional to include products from those divisions. You even have some flexibility in what credits they contribute to. For instance, you can count EPD's for duct insulation without including it in recycled content costs. However, if you decide include them in cost-related credits, you must include them consistently in all cost-related credits. Here is a paragraph from the reference guide.
"In past versions of LEED, all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment (MEP), categorized as CSI MasterFormat divisions 11, 21-28, and other specialty divisions, was excluded from MR credits. In this version of LEED some specific products that are part of these systems but are “passive” (meaning not part of the active portions of the system) may be included in credit calculations. This allows flexibility for the optional assessment
of piping, pipe insulation, ducts, duct insulation, conduit, plumbing fixtures, faucets, showerheads, and lamp housings. If optional products or materials are included in cost-based credit calculations, such as Option 2 under each Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits, they must be included consistently across all cost-based credit calculations. Additionally, if optional products and materials are included in product based calculations, such as Option 1 under each Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits, they are not required to be included in cost-based credit calculations. However, unlike furniture, if some of these products are included in credit calculations, not all products of that type must be included."