For a few v4 projects I have twice now recieved comments during review that say the following:
"1. It is not clear if the project analyzed efficiency measures during the design process and accounted for the results in design decision making. Provide documentation of the efficiency measures that were analyzed during the design process and the analysis method was used, and describe how these results were accounted for in the decision making."
In the past, there were never comments associated with EAc2, as they were all under the pre-requisite. This comment is specific to the credit and I am assuming it stems from the credit requirement language that says "Analyze efficiency measures during the design process and account for the results in design decision making. Use energy simulation of efficiency opportunities, past energy simulation analyses for similar buildings, or published data (e.g., Advanced Energy Design Guides) from analyses for similar buildings." However this language does not explain how this should be documented, particularly since there is no credit form for EAc2.
In hopes of avoiding the comment in the future, how have other people been interpreting this requirement and what have you included in your upload? Please note, in both of these cases the IP credit was no pursued.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
December 14, 2020 - 5:32 pm
Glad you asked. I wrote this language for LEED years ago and there has been a lack of clarity around it ever since. The reason the comment shows up under the credit and not the prerquisite is because the design phase modeling is not required for the prerequisite. It is however, required for the credit. In other words you are not supposed to be able to earn any points for the credit if you have not implemented some form of design phase energy analysis.
On our projects we engaged two rounds of energy modeling during schematic design. The first is focused on load reduction strategies and the second on HVAC system selection or optimization. So we just upload the modeling reports from that effort. There are many other ways to engage a process that evaluates energy efficiency strategies during design. Simply document what you have done.
The energy analysis/modeling for the IP credit must be engaged before this analysis/modeling effort required for the credit.
ASHRAE Standard 209 provides a great guide to design phase energy modeling.
Michelle Christopher
Buro Happold5 thumbs up
December 16, 2020 - 3:06 pm
Thank you Marcus, that is helpful context. Its nice to see the early design iterations and ASHRAE 209 get that attention! It sounds like our preliminary analysis/ box model from most projects should meet these needs.
Since there is not actually an upload button associated with the Optimize Energy Performance Credit -- would you recommend that we upload this kind of documentation with the pre-req (if not pursuing IP, otherwise it seems like it would get uploaded there)? Or is there a better place/way to upload?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
December 16, 2020 - 3:32 pm
If there is no place to upload for the credit, then yes upload to the prerequisite.