We received a review comment stating it is not clear that areas noted as recreatation oriented grass are planted with two or more types of vegetation. There are other areas with beds, shrubs, trees, etc. within the LPB. Why would grass not count as one of them? Does the V4.1 update still not allow for grass?
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Summer Minchew
Managing PartnerEcoimpact Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
170 thumbs up
September 9, 2020 - 12:25 pm
I am also curious as to how GBCI is defining "diversity of vegetation" in this instance (i.e. 25% of the minimum 30% total outdoor space requirement must be planted with a diversity of vegetation or have overhead vegetated canopy.). I looked in the glossary and found no definition. Turf grass is not explicitly excluded from consideration in the v4.1 version of this credit as vegetated open space and in many cases turf grass area would meet one of these options from the LEED credit language:
"The outdoor space must be physically accessible and be one or more of the following:
So are they looking for two types of grass? If turf grass meets one of the above criteria, it should not also have to meet the "a landscape area with a diversity of vegetation types and species that provide opportunities for year-round visual interest." criteria right?
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
247 thumbs up
September 10, 2020 - 11:43 am
Hi Sue,
The grass shall be combined together with other plants that are visually pleasing all year round. Not sure whether you mean "other area with beds, shrubs, and trees" are separate area from the grass or not.
Summer Minchew
Managing PartnerEcoimpact Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
170 thumbs up
March 30, 2021 - 9:56 am
The LEED v4.1 credit form states, "Large expanse of monoculture turf grass do not qualify as vegetated area." Has anyone had review experience with projects using Eco-Lawn (Eco-Grass/No Mow) which is a grass blend of (5) different fescue grasses?
Craig Flandermeyer
10 thumbs up
May 12, 2021 - 12:01 pm
Received this comment that appears to be in line with these questions. "Turf grass has been included in the calculations as vegetated open space. Note that areas of turf may only be included in the calculations as vegetation if the area includes two or more completely distinct varieties of grass (i.e. not a monoculture). Additionally note that monoculture turf areas, including areas of turf grass under overhead tree canopies, can only be counted in total open space but do not qualify as vegetated open space." Planning to respond with turf is a mix of Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue, and perennial rye? Not sure how to handle the tree canopy comment as the area below the tree is accessible for use. Thoughts?