Hello. We are working on a government project and they have asked if instead of providing the signed lease agreement (which is confidential material), if they may provide a signed letter, stating the lease terms + duration. Please advise. Thank you.
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Suong Mateos
October 6, 2021 - 5:35 pm
I have a similar question but the other way around where they are requesting just to provide the lease and not having to upload the lease. Is it one or the other or both that needs to be provided and uploaded?
Matthew Dempsey
Sustainability ConsultantThornton Tomasetti
LEEDuser Expert
3 thumbs up
October 11, 2021 - 6:51 am
Hi Greg and Suong,
An excerpt of the lease agreement which highlights the 10-year commitment must be provided and sensitive infiormation can be redacted as necessary. Anything other than the executed lease agreement is likely insufficient for this credit to be awarded - a common pain point for v4 projects.
Suong, to your question specifically: The lease must be uploaded for the reviewer to award the credit.
I hope this helps!
Suong Mateos
October 11, 2021 - 9:08 am
So to confirm, only 1 document is required; either the lease or the letter or both. It is not required to have both but at a minimum, the lease is required? Thank you
Matthew Dempsey
Sustainability ConsultantThornton Tomasetti
LEEDuser Expert
3 thumbs up
October 11, 2021 - 9:56 am
A letter will not be accepted. The lease is the only document a reviewer will accept to award the credit.