For option 1 daylighting, we know than sDA of above 40% gets 1 point, above 55% gets 2 and above 75% gets 3. The last item stated in the guideline is that each regularly occupied space achieves sDA value of at least 55% is exemplary performance or 1 additional point if only 1 or 2 point achieved from above.
This statement is a little vague for me, how is this calculated? Let's say my building achieved 45% so that is 1 point; and let's say I have 3 regularly occupied spaces within the building which has sDA of more than 55%. Do I get 3 more points? Or do I get just 1 additional point? If I have at least 1 regularly occupied space with sDA value of more 55%, I still get 1 additional point, right? If I have 10 spaces with sDA of more than 55%, still 1 additional point? That is my assumption which makes the most sense. Please let me know if that is correct.
Also, to distinguish regularly occupied spaces for the additional points stated above, can we make continuous surfaces for regularly occupied spaces that are connected to reduce the number of spaces we count in case we have too many individual rooms and spaces?
I would appreciate your help with my questions.
Thank You,
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