The waste management contractor for one of my projects is providing reports showing waste going to commingled processing companies.  Following guidance from the LEED NC approach for construction waste management, rather than providing project-specific waste processing information, the contractor is providing the state-required annual report filings from these companies  documenting how waste is processed, from which the allowable recycled/re-used percentage can be calculated.  One of the itemized uses of materials in the reports is as road base materials IN LANDFILLS.  Although in general I would assume that re-using ABC materials as road base would be an eligible re-use, I am wondering whether this is true of materials used for this purpose in landfills, given the prohibitions against including Alternate Daily Cover and landfill stabilization as eligible recycling/-re-use.

Is there any guidance or has a determine been made regarding whether use of materials as road base when the roads are in landfills can be considered an eligible re-use for this Credit? 

Please advise!