I'm modeling a commercial building that has 7 conditioned floors and is heated and cooled by 3 electric heat pumps. According to TABLE G3.1.1A the baseline model should be a System 8. Nevertheless, since 2 heat pumps are existing (before the works) they shall be modelled in the baseline system too (the 90.1-2010 User's Manual states: "In some cases, a complete HVAC system already exists (...) the proposed building and baseline building models are the same and are based on the existing HVAC system"). The fan-coils that are connected to the hot water loop and to the chilled water loop are being replaced.
How shall the HVAC system of the baseline model be? The two existing heat pumps connected the new fan-coils (e.g. the fan power of the new fan-coils)? No relationship with System 8?

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