I am not sure if "no-mow lawn" or "low grow seeded"lawn counted for vegetated area. They are not turf grass, which need lots of water and high maintenance.
This Low grow seed mix including Agrostis perennans (Upland Bentgrass), Festuca longifoli (Hard Fescue), Festuca ovina ‘Glauca’ (Blue Fescue), Festuca ovina (Sheeps Fescue) and Festuca rubra rubra (Strong Creeping Red Fescue).
Could I include this area for the minimum 25% vegetated outdoor space calculation for SSc3-open space credit?
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
March 19, 2018 - 4:05 pm
Good question! Probably worth an inquiry with USGBC, since the rating system / ref guide say "turf grass does not count as vegetated" but do not specify what the intent is in excluding it. If it's about avoiding monoculture and reducing mowing and water needs - which was the case for excluding it from SSc5.1 in v2009 - the grass you're describing should be fine to consider vegetated. But if it's more about creating visually interesting landscape and actively designing for human use - which the v4 credit requirements emphasize - it wouldn't. I think I'd default to assuming it won't count because although it's better than typical turf, it's still turf. But it would be worth getting clarification on.
Sara Greenwood
Cadmus Group16 thumbs up
June 21, 2019 - 4:56 pm
Quian, was guidance ever given regarding your question for no/low-mow grass species?