Dear All,
On the Project Information sample form it is referred the Site area within the LEED project boundary. We would like to clarify which this area really means. We are involved in a C&S project that has underground parking spaces under other buildings that are not on the scope of building certification. In this case, the site area within the LEED project boundary exclude the site area where the underground parking exists under other buildings that are not on the scope of building certification. Am I correct?
Thanks in advance,
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
482 thumbs up
January 24, 2018 - 9:23 pm
Hi Pedro,
I've always calculated the site area as being what is at ground level (as in outside), typically including vegetation, sidewalks, and other site features, excluding the building footprint. For the overall gross square footage of the project, you should exclude SF associated with underground parking, as has been the case in previous versions.
Once you get into the credits related to parking, you'll need to pay closer attention as to what you should include/exclude per credit.