Hi All,

Kindly clarify baseline LPD to be used for multi-family residential spaces (living room, bed room, kitchen, rest room, etc) as per ASHRAE 90.1-2010. The light fixtures along with luminaires inside the dwelling units will be installed by developer.

1. The baseline LPD for residential spaces is not mentioned in space-by-space method. But as per ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Table G3.1.1.C, where the space classification for a space is not known, the space shall be categorized as an office space. So, for dwelling unit, can we consider baseline LPD as 1.11 W/ft2.

2. The building area method mentions the baseline LPD for multifamily residential building as 0.6 W/ft2.

Kindly suggest the right approach to consider the baseline LPDs as we are planning to propose an ECM of LPD reduction in those spaces below these baselines to get savings.

Thanks in advance.