I saw a couple comments about applying the requirements of this Pilot Credit in a building other than 2 to 3 stories. The following are questions and comments.
I am curious how it works in a high rise building as we do have egress stairs that connect all 25 floors and have 2 open stairs within the tenant space that connect 7 of the 9 tenant floors when the very nature of a high rise there is a core with multiple elevator shafts therefore eliminating the potential for visibility from every part of a floor as well as always being in the direct path of travel.
Also, why mag-lock on any door to the connecting stair, is a lock necessary if there is a glass enclosure on only 1 floor of 7 and that door is never locked?
Has anyone tried exterior views as the sensory stimulation? I would think that having the open stairways directly adjacent to the curtain wall on the exterior wall of a high rise would be very stimulating - more for some than others. Thoughts?
One more; access to a multi-purpose exercise area. Does that have to be in the Tenant space? or can it just be within the building itself like a full gym whereby staff and the general public can use it with staff being provided with a reduced membership fee for being tenants in the building?
Finally, with LEED v4 there was a push to have the amount of documentation to be equivalent to the point impact of any specific credit. This Pilot Credit seems to garner a lot of documentation for 1 point. Perhaps as it moves forward there can be an effort to minimize what needs to be provided or increase the number of points.
Thank you,
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