We have a Green Building Council in Australia that has a very advanced energy simulation methodology that achieves the same outcomes as the ASHRAE 90.1 process outlined in LEED. It is also well aligned to local requirements for demonstrating compliance with local codes. Our project (a stadium) now needs to create numerous energy models to essentially demonstrate the same thing by different methodologies creating an inordinate amount of extra work for no useful output.
It wouldn't be hard to use the Green Building Council of Australia's energy modelling methodology and adjust the points scale to match LEED and thus allow Australian projects to follow the GBCA Method instead of ASHRAE 90.1.
Has anyone successfully done this in other countries - to use a more appropriate local methodology instead of ASHRAE 90.1 get the LEED energy points? If so keen to understand how we can develop a conversion process to convince the USGBC to agree! (would save a huge amount of modelling work whilst ensuring the outcomes are still met).
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
April 13, 2017 - 10:56 am
It has been done in a few places. The process is spelled out in this document - http://www.usgbc.org/resources/leed-reference-guide-green-building-desig... - I have not seen one specific to v4 but I think the process would be the same.
It is a pretty involved process which is usually undertaken by a governmental entity or nonprofit with funding to do so. Here is the process:
The following process is used to determine the equivalency of a local standard to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2010.
1. A group interested in determining equivalency of a particular standard should email a request to USGBC through commonlanguage@usgbc.org.
2. USGBC will collaborate with the group to establish a method for creating an equivalency study and a timeline for completion.
3. The group will conduct the study.
4. USGBC will review the study and bring its recommendation to the LEED International Roundtable with approval by the LEED Steering Committee.
5. Typically, the group putting forward the standard will cover the cost of the study and USGBC review.
6. Priority of USGBC review will be determined based on market transformation potential and representation of the country on the LEED International Roundtable.
7. Approval of equivalency will be determined by the LEED Steering Committee and communicated to the group.
8. Upon approval by the LEED Steering Committee, the equivalency will be made available to projects through a USGBC-administered LEED Interpretation.