I am trying to determine what, if any, requirements GIBc17 imposes on public street lighting. The credit definition of "shared areas" includes all spaces dedicated to common use. That would seem to include streets. However, Table 3 shows no lighting power density requirements specific to street lighting. Therefore, my questions are the following:
1. Do GIBc17 requirements apply to public street lighting?
2. If so, with respect to Table 3, is the maximum allowable lighting power density the density allowed for "all exterior improved areas (except those listed below)"? Or is it the maximum density allowed for "walkways"? Or is it something else? I'll note that the "all exterior lighting" density is very low, and that all public streets in my projects feature sidewalks on both sides.
3. How do other requirements from Table 2 (horizontal and vertical trespass, uplight) apply to public street lighting?
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