I am working in a project where there is a travel center room i.e. an area where people get travel related information. this has 4 desk i.e 4 people who help the traveller and another 2 desks for the traveller to sit and discuss. to comply with IEQC6.1,

1. Do i need to consider this room as multi occupant space because there will be 12 people i.e. 4 agents and 8 travellers when the room is at full capacity.
2. Do i consider as a individual occupant space and need to provide 4 task lights as the agents are the at any point of time and the travellers can be considered as non occupant as none of them will occupy more than 1 hour.
3. for ATM room where there will be ATM's only. do i need to consider this room for this credit as people hardly stay there for more than 10 mins? if yes, can i consider this as multi occupant space.

Much appreciate your response.
