I have naturally ventilated apartment units. Apartment's inner most wall distance from the exterior window is 33’. Interior most side of the apartment has toilet and kitchenette. Both toilet and kitchen have continuous running exhaust fans. Would this satisfy IEQp1 requirements of ventilation?
Corridor units are served by makeup air units. Door undercuts will ensure outdoor air reaches spaces furthest from operable windows.
Would this situation satisfy IEQp1 requirements?
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Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
June 7, 2016 - 2:46 pm
It is possible to comply with mixed mode ventilation. For instance, if the space was 10' wide, you could use the first 25' (250 sf) as naturally ventilated by the window. The excess 8' (80sf) could be mechanically ventilated using exhaust fans. Be sure to look up the effectiveness rating based on where the air is made up from and where the exhaust is relative to the ventilated space. It will be either 0.8 or 0.5.
Sunayana Jain
Sustainable SolutionsJune 8, 2016 - 8:19 am
Thank you Andrew for your response. Kitchen continuous exhaust CFM is 25 CFM for an apartment. Does the CFM necessarily has to be 50 CFM minimum? As mentioned, both kitchen and bathrooms have continuous exhaust. Corridor make-up air units have energy recovery (energy recovered from bathroom and toilet exhaust). Also apartments have combination of natural ventilation (operable windows) and mechanical ventilation (ducted outdoor air thru heat pumps). Would this situation satisfy minimum ventilation requirements? Any ideas will be helpful.
Sunayana Jain
Sustainable SolutionsJune 14, 2016 - 8:35 am
Hi Andrew, I would appreciate if you could share some ideas on the situation above. Thanks.
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
June 14, 2016 - 10:35 am
It is not a question that I can answer without construction documents and calculations. You need a minimum exhaust of 0.30 cfm/sf in a kitchenette or 50CFM continuous for a residential kitchen. I don't know which if you classify as a kitchen or kitchenette. Other than required exhaust, you need to go to ASHRAE 62.1 and calculate the required breathing zone ventilation rates for any area outside of the naturally ventilated area. This is all information that the PE who signed and sealed the construction documents should be able to provide without any issue.
Sunayana Jain
Sustainable SolutionsJune 16, 2016 - 8:20 am
Thank you Andrew. If the corridors make up air units are recovering energy from toilet and kitchen exhausts. Would this air still be acceptable for ventilation thru door under-cuts? Thanks!
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
June 16, 2016 - 9:02 am
Yes. It is prudent to take into account any cross contamination or purge designed into the unit based on fan configuration and seals.