I submitted for this credit for design preliminary phase review a few weeks ago. The signage we submitted says "LE/FE Preferred." The review comments I received are as follows:

"The signage for the designated parking spaces states that the parking is reserved for "LE/FE," but it is unclear how the proposed signage communicates to the building occupants that the designated parking spaces have been reserved for the exclusive use of low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles. Note that there is no standard symbol or abbreviation that has been accepted to fulfill this requirement, and therefore, the signage must include language (reserved for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles) to convey the reserved status of the parking spaces to the building users. Provide revised signage details and any necessary documentation confirming that the proposed signage program communicates to the building occupants that the designated parking spaces have been reserved for the exclusive use of low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles."

I did not realize that the signage requirements had become so prescriptive -- I have submitted "LE/FE Preferred" in the past and that has been accepted. Has anyone else run into this?